Broker Direct: Flat Fee MLS Listing Since 1998

Get Listed. Get Sold.

Over 525,000 Homes Listed Since 1998

List on the MLS!

MLS MY HOME offers the most options Flat Fee MLS Industry!

  1. We do not charge your credit card until the MLS Listing is complete. We only authorize the amount.
  2. We offer the best package/pricing options available and have the most coverage nationwide.
  3. Picking a MLS My Home/Affiliate to list your home. One of our related affiliates will be reaching out that service your zip code.
  4. Be on the lookout for listing instruction emails.
    A. First will come from
    B. The second will come from our local affiliate to list you on the MLS system.
  5. Complete all the data required on both emails to get your home successfully listed on MLS & Listing sites.

Flat Fee MLS Pricing May Vary Per State & City.
Enter your ZIP Code below to see prices and get started!


Thank you for choosing to list your property with us!

Listing your property on the MLS is the best way to sell, and listing for a low MLS Flat Fee is the best way to list on the MLS! List on the MLS just like all other listings, and only pay a listing commission. Please contact us if you have any questions. MLS is a national association of Flat Fee MLS brokers. List Local & Direct! Our Brokers have well over 20 years of experience with hundreds of deals closed. Any last minute questions? Email us.